How To Find The Right Partner For Toll Or Contract Manufacturing ❓

The search for the right partner sounds easier as it is.

There are many portals and pages, websites where you can search for a toll manufacturing or outsourcing partner. This task might be complex and extremely time consuming if you start by zero. To many choices make the choice difficult.

What is worth knowing about your future outsourcing partner to find the right one without losing valuable time?

You need to find the expertise in the type of product your company wants to make. The expertise should cover besides the manufacturing, also further processes as packaging and logistics, if you need them.

  • Check references and market reputation
  • Visit the facility, if possible, to check how it is managed, and what the safety standards are
  • Ask whether the manufacturing quality standards you require are fulfilled (certificates, norms)
  • Can they process small initial batches and provide a detailed result analysis?
  • Can they cover your (planned) growing demand or are the production capabilities limited?
  • Do they offer the end-to-end solution you need or only a certain type of service
  • How experienced is the partner in the particular field of your industry?
  • How long is the expected waiting time to receive a production slot?

At this stage it is worth investigating and answering honestly – do I have time to search for the right partner or could I possibly outsource even this task?

The right preparation can save you a lot of time, stress and finally money.

Which questions are crucial for you by the choice of an outsourcing partner? Looking forward hearing your experience with outsourcing.